Why a e-Scooter Subscription will Save You Time and Money
Author: Panu Lehti

Panu Lehti


Why a e-Scooter Subscription will Save You Time and Money

e-Scooters have become increasingly popular as a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation for short commutes. However, like any mechanical device, e-scooters are subject to faults and breakdowns. While some faults may be covered under warranty, there are many common issues that are not.

Here are some of the most common faults that e-scooters can experience, which are not typically covered by warranty:

  1. Flat or punctured tires: One of the most common issues with kick e-scooters is flat or punctured tires. While some e-scooters may have puncture-proof tires, many do not. This means that if you ride your e-scooter over rough terrain or encounter sharp objects on the road, you may end up with a flat tire. Unfortunately, this is not always covered by warranty. Repair costs for flat or punctured tires can range from $20 to $60, depending on the tire type and brand. Repair times for this issue are relatively short, typically taking only a few hours or less.
  2. Worn brakes: Over time, the brakes on your e-scooter can become worn down. This can make it difficult to slow down or stop, which can be dangerous. While some e-scooters may come with replaceable brake pads, others may require a more expensive repair or replacement. This is typically not covered by warranty. Repair costs for worn brakes can range from $30 to $100, depending on the e-scooter model and type of brake system. Repair times for this issue may vary, but usually take no more than a few days.
  3. Damaged or worn-out battery: The battery is one of the most important components of your e-scooter. Over time, the battery may become damaged or worn out, which can lead to a decrease in performance or even complete failure. While some e-scooters may come with a warranty on the battery, this is not always the case. Repair costs for a damaged or worn-out battery can range from $100 to $300, depending on the battery type and e-scooter model. Repair times for this issue can vary, usually taking a few days to a week.
  4. Loose or damaged parts: With regular use, the parts of your e-scooter may become loose or damaged. This can include things like the handlebars, wheels, or even the frame itself. Accidents, such as collisions or falls, can exacerbate these issues. While some of these issues may be covered by warranty, it is important to note that damage caused by improper use or accidents may not be covered. Repair costs for loose or damaged parts can range from $50 to $500, depending on the extent of the damage and the e-scooter model. Repair times for this issue can vary, usually taking a few days to several weeks.
  5. Water damage: While some e-scooters are water-resistant, others are not. If you ride your e-scooter in the rain or accidentally submerge it in water, it can cause damage to the electronics or other components. Unfortunately, this type of damage is typically not covered by warranty. Repair costs for water damage can range from $100 to $500, depending on the extent of the damage and the e-scooter model. Repair times for this issue can also vary, usually taking a few days to several weeks.

If you experience any of these faults, it is important to get them repaired as soon as possible to avoid further damage and potential accidents. In addition to repair costs, accidents can also occur when using e-scooters, which can lead to additional repair costs and even medical expenses. It is important to always wear protective gear, such as helmets and pads, when using e-scooters.

One way to avoid the costs and hassle of repairs is to subscribe to a personal e-scooter service, such as Augment.eco. With a personal e-scooter subscription, you can rent an e-scooter for your personal use, and the company takes care of all maintenance and repairs. This includes handling any faults that may occur, as well as regular maintenance and servicing to ensure that the e-scooter is always in good working order.

Overall, e-scooters can be a great way to get around town, but it is important to be aware of the potential faults and costs associated with them. By doing your research, wearing protective gear, and considering a personal e-scooter subscription, you can enjoy the convenience and benefits of e-scooters while minimizing the risks and costs.