Ride at 25 km/h, the legal top speed without time or location limits.
No startup, per kilometer of per minute fees. No parking fees, or petrol costs.
No more being tied to timetables. Just open the door and go.
Make inconvenient station locations & long walks history.
Riding an Augment is fully electric, and produces no CO2 exhausts.
Augment scooters can be kept at home and office, and take up minimal space.
Electric scooters are convenient — easy to keep, always ready to go, quiet and comfortable. Say goodbye to expensive bus, train, subway tickets, petrol bills and parking fees.
Ditch the car
In cities an electric scooter is faster than a car on any trip under 4 km. You get straight to your destination, easily bypassing traffic jams and you don't need to look for parking space. You save time, fuel costs and parking fees. By combining a scooter ride with subway or commuter train, driving becomes unnecessary.
Enjoy the ride
An e-scooter gets you to work or play cleanly, comfortably and without breaking a sweat.
The stylish Augment scooters will take you to even the most important client meetings – and will set you apart.
With the electric scooter you save on trip costs and keep it emission-free. Also you save your time on trips around the city.
In these times of pandemic, you also limit crowded places, and keep your social distancing.